AHEPA’s εκδηλώσεις λίγο πριν το συνέδριο 100 χρόνων

AHEPA’s Milk for Flint Campaign Exceeds 17,000 Gallons Distributed

The AHEPA family of Michigan completed its tenth “Milk for Flint” giveaway, May 10, 2022. To date, it has raised more than $37,000 and has distributed over 17,000 gallons of milk through the “Milk for Flint” program.
Flint residents who received the milk lined up for over two hours and they were very thankful for what they received. In total, 147 cars lined up, along with 46 walk-ups, representing 789 people served. The milk that remained, after the line subsided, went to “My Brother’s Keeper”, “Carriage Town Ministries”, “Whaley Children’s Center”, “Greater Holy Temple” and “North End Soup Kitchen,” all of Flint.
Nothing was wasted, according to Chairman Craig Theros, PSG.
The committee thanks Flint’s Catholic Charities, led by Mary Stevenson, and Kim Green, manager, Kroger store 404, as well as several AHEPA family volunteers and donors who made the milk drive possible.
Three local television stations covered the event.
The next milk giveaway is tentatively scheduled for Fall 2022.“Our next giveaway will be our eleventh truck load of milk for the unfortunate residents of Flint,” Theros said. “Over recent years, the residents have had to endure the Flint Water Crisis, high unemployment due to General Motors moving their operations to other parts of the country, and an extremely high number of COVID victims. The need for AHEPA’s help has not gone away. Flint may not be in the national headlines as it used to be, but the need is still real.”
In July 2021, AHEPA earned special recognition from the City of Flint for its Milk for Flint service campaign.
Greek Independence Celebrations in the Windy City
Supreme President Jimmy Kokotas and Daughters of Penelope Grand President Kathy Bizoukas participated at the Greek Independence Day parade in Chicago’s Greektown, May 22, 2022.
AHEPA family members representing Illinois and Indiana chapters proudly were parade float participants. 
“We commend the Federation of Hellenic -American Organizations (ENOSIS) for organizing a successful parade and sincerely thank the organizers for recognizing AHEPA’s one-hundred-year anniversary and service to the community,” Kokotas said. “They did an excellent job.”
Special shoutout to the junior brothers of the newly reactivated Northwest Indiana Sophocles Sons of Pericles Chapter 53, accompanied by Sons of Pericles Supreme Governor Basili Ronstadt, for being flag bearers.

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